pro-veg commercial

Pro-Veg Commercials: A Side of Truth

Pro-Veg Commercials: A Side of Truth

At an average cost of less than two pennies per view, this strategic campaign is one of the most cost-effective ways to spread the animals’ message.

Our powerful and award-winning pro-veg commercial “Side of Truth” has appeared on MTV, Comedy Central and Animal Planet, along with popular on-demand video streaming site

As a result, traffic to our website increased drastically and requests for our Vegetarian Starter Guide more than doubled. Additionally, during the time the ads are on air, we received countless heartfelt notes of thanks from viewers inspired to make more compassionate choices.

Here are just a few comments from viewers: 

“Your ad on HULU really caught my attention. I never thought much about my food before, but now I see meat very differently and can’t stop thinking about how the animals are treated. I guess you could say I’m a vegetarian now but I haven’t told my parents yet.”

“I saw your commercial, visited your website, and it has really opened my eyes…How can such cruelty be allowed? How did I not know this was going on? I’m committed to going vegan, as I write this email to you. I can’t thank you enough.”

“I just saw your commercial on Animal Planet and had no idea that animals on farms were treated so terribly…I can’t stomach the idea of eating animals anymore. Starting today, I’m vegetarian! I just wish I knew about this sooner. Thank you.”

Our ability to spread a life-saving message of compassion depends largely on the kindness and generosity of individuals like you. Our pro-veg commercials are changing people’s minds—and their food choices—by pulling the curtains back on factory farms and exposing the truth. Help us continue to serve a side of truth. Donate today.