Beef Industry Upset Over USDA’s Support for Meatless Monday

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MM-cow-300x193.jpgThe US Department of Agriculture (USDA) is an agency notorious for its unabashed promotion of animal agribusiness and animal-based foods. As noted by the Associated Press: “The USDA often promotes the beef industry by encouraging Americans to eat meat.”

This week, however, the USDA got caught in the line of fire from, of all groups, the National Cattleman’s Beef Association (NCBA). Why? Because it (the USDA) touted the benefits of meat-free foods.

Check out COK’s Updated DC Dining Guide for DC!

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VegDCGuideCover-300x388.jpgWhile it’s political animals that DC is known for, it’s the animals being left off of Washingtonian’s plates that prompted Living Social to rank the nation’s capital as the “Top Vegetarian US City.” The survey, conducted last year, reveals that DC diners have the highest preference for vegetarian and vegan fare in the US—so it’s no wonder that more restaurants are adding delicious meat-free meals to their menus.

Just how many restaurants?

eating eggs

Think Smoking is Unhealthy? Eating Eggs Might Be Worse

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eggs-smoking-286x167.jpgIn a new video, posted on one of our favorite websites,,  Dr. Michael Greger discusses the details of a competing risk analysis from a Harvard Nurse’s Health Study on women’s health.

Among other important topics, the review compares the dangers of smoking to the dangers of eating animal products. The results?     

According to the study, the number one single cause
of death was heart disease, and dietary cholesterol consumption was a
significant risk factor for death. The second leading cause of death was from smoking-related cancer.

Antibiotics in Chicken Linked to Urinary Tract Infections in Women

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chickenUp to 8 million
US women—that’s one out of nine—suffer from painful and persistent urinary
tract infections (UTI) each year, and now we may know why: It’s likely that many of them have become infected
with a newly antibiotic-resistant strain of E. coli, believed by researchers to
spread through poultry
raised with the routine use of antibiotics.
These findings so closely
correlate to the rise of UTI’s in the past decade, that the Infectious
Diseases Society of America has had to revise its recommendations on which drugs to

One Farmer’s Story: From Pig Farm to Pig Sanctuary

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Taiwan%20pig%20sanctuary-285x189.jpgFor anyone who’s had the chance to meet a pig up close and personal, it’s hard not to notice how strikingly similar these animals are to the
beloved dogs with whom many of us share our homes. In fact, studies
have shown that pigs are actually smarter than dogs.

These highly social animals have such an amazing capacity to experience and express love, joy, and sorrow — and looking into one piglet’s woeful eyes as he was about to be slaughtered is what changed the course for Lo Hung-hsien (pictured here), a former pig farmer turned vegetarian advocate in Taiwan.