
Thank You

Thank you for taking the pledge to choose plant-based eating for a month. Your decision will make a difference to suffering factory farmed chickens. 

Your decision will save lives.

We hope you take advantage of the coupon codes below and enjoy these delicious plant-based alternatives to chicken.

  • Atlas Monroe - 15% off all online orders (discount code: ANIMOUT)
  • Bartleby’s Seitan Shop: $5 off online orders (discount code: RaiseHellEatWell)
  • JADA - 10% off orders of $10 or more (discount code: OUTLOOK10)
  • Pescky Kitchen - 10% off online orders (discount code: animaloutlook)
Your support helps us continue to expose the truth and inspire change through groundbreaking investigations, innovative legal advocacy, strategic corporate engagement, and creative and effective outreach. Will you help achieve so much more for farmed animals by making a one-time donation or by joining our United for Change Monthly Giving Program?