Calf Rescued After Inspiring Run for His Life Goes Viral

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A calf’s escape from a Brooklyn slaughterhouse yesterday took social media by storm, and as he ran through the city streets, he won the hearts of thousands of people rooting for a rescue.

The scared young steer was likely experiencing “freedom” for the first time, and a child was injured in his frantic running before he was recaptured.

But, before the day was over, this story would go from slaughterhouse to sanctuary.

Skylands Animal Sanctuary arrived on the scene, and thankfully, the NYPD, animal control, and the Mayor’s office all agreed to release him into their forever care.

Now named Shankar, which Skylands says means “one who brings about happiness and prosperity,” the calf showed an incredible will to live, one that people nationwide rallied behind.

All animals want to live and be free. Sadly, millions of cows and bulls just like Shankar are suffering in factory farms and slaughterhouses. Most farmed animals will not escape their fate, nor will they ever even see sunshine except during their crowded transport, in all weather extremes, to slaughter.

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Watch Shankar in his new sanctuary home! Video & photo: Skylands Animal Sanctuary.

A new day and a new life.Welcome home, Shankar ❤️

Posted by Skylands Animal Sanctuary And Rescue on Wednesday, October 18, 2017

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