
Animal Outlook’s recent investigation into Jannat Farms, a Virginia chicken facility contracted by food giant Tyson, revealed shocking examples of animal cruelty. But it also revealed what many of us had expected all along. Tyson is aware of the abuses rampant on its farms and does nothing to stop it.

Despite heralding itself as having a “moral and ethical obligation” of “proper animal handling,” Animal Outlook has shown that chickens raised for Tyson face all types of cruel conditions and practices, including lack of water, filthy sheds, toxic ammonia levels, and violence from workers who punch, kick and throw the birds. What’s more, Tyson representatives are aware of the conditions and even admitted on film that free-range chickens do not often get to experience the outdoors and that their ads are staged. These confessions paint a picture of a company that puts profits over its responsibility to consumers, and doesn’t see animals as anything more than money-making objects.

We need you to join us in saying that enough is enough. Animal Outlook is committed to ensuring that Tyson is held accountable for the practices and conditions it allows on its contracted farms, but we need your help. When you add your name here, you’ll join thousands of other supporters in demanding a revolution  for our broken animal agriculture system. If you’re looking for more ways to support animals and live a cruelty free lifestyle, consider opting for a vegan diet.

We’re going to hold Tyson accountable, but we can’t do it without you. Will you add your name to help us stop Tyson from putting profits over people, animals, and the environment?

Stop Tyson's Lies

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