Veg Recipe

Comida con Amigos: COK Debuts First Spanish-Language Veg Recipe Guide

smcdonaldOutreach, Recipes, Veg Eating Leave a Comment

Of the 52 million people comprising the Hispanic population in the United States, 37 million speak  Spanish at home—that’s nearly 13% of the United States population age 5 and older.

That’s why we’re excited to introduce our first Spanish-language brochure, a 16-page pocket guide featuring the vegan versions of 20 delicious cultural veg recipes from fried plantains to cactus salad to posole to tamales. And of course, there’s flan, sweet corn pudding, horchata, and champurrado for dessert! Comida con Amigos, which translates to “Food with Friends,” is meant to celebrate the community of cooking valued in Hispanic families, while also emphasizing compassionate cuisine.

In addition to the recipes and colorful photos, the pamphlet also includes stories about rescued farmed animals, like Jane the chicken and Jimmy the pig, along with easy tips for egg-free baking, a glossary of new-to-you foods, and more. The practical pointers are intended to provide a palatable introduction to vegetarian eating as a way to protect animals, preserve the planet, and promote personal health.

Veg RecipeThis information is especially important for minorities, who may have higher health risks due to genetic predisposition, cultural dietary preferences, or socioeconomic or geographic factors limiting access to fresh and healthy foods. Mexican Americans are nearly twice as likely to have diabetes than others, and 50% more likely to die from the ailment. And due to higher rates of obesity, hypertension, and high cholesterol, Hispanic women are 20% more likely to have a stroke than other women. Without affordable healthcare, these illnesses may be inadequately treated or even go untreated. That’s why prevention is key! Plant-based foods have the power to prevent, and in some cases even reverse, these common afflictions, with the added benefits of reducing environmental impact and animal suffering.

Fortunately, the Hispanic community has a great example to follow in Mexican American farm worker and labor rights activist César Chávez. An admirer of Gandhi, also a vegetarian, Chávez believed in using nonviolent means to fight oppression of both people and animals by large-scale agribusinesses. Chávez’s famous catch-phrase, “Sí, se puede!,” empowered the public to stand up for both people and animals by choosing vegetarian foods. Comida con Amigos includes two of his quotes that embody our compassionate message:

“Animals are fellow creatures…we must protect and love them as we love ourselves…we cannot be kind to animals until we stop exploiting them in the name of science, sport, fashion, and yes, food.”

“I feel very deeply about vegetarianism and the animal kingdom. I became vegetarian after realizing that animals feel afraid, cold, hungry, and unhappy like we do. It was my dog, Boycott, who led me to question the right of humans to eat other sentient beings.”

View our Facebook photo album for mouth-watering images of all 20 recipes, including links to both the English- and Spanish-language translations on Then visit our Marketplace to order copies to distribute or download the PDF to share with your Spanish-speaking neighbors and friends.

Estamos muy contentos de presentar nuestro primer folleto en español, una guía de bolsillo de 16 páginas con las versiones vegetarianas de 20 deliciosas recetas culturales desde plátanos fritos hasta ensalada de cactus, pozole y tamales. Y por supuesto, hay flan, pudín de maíz dulce, horchata y champurrado para el postre! Comida con Amigos tiene la intención de celebrar la comunidad de cocina valorado en las familias hispanas, mientras que también se enfoca en cocina compasiva.En adición a las recetas y fotos coloridas, el folleto también incluye historias sobre los animales de granja rescatados, como Jane el pollo y el cerdo Jimmy, junto con consejos fáciles para hornear sin huevos, un glosario de los nuevos-a-usted alimentos, y mucho más . Los consejos prácticos están diseñados para proporcionar una introducción a la alimentación vegetariana como una forma de proteger a los animales, preservar el planeta y promover la salud personal.Ver nuestro Facebook álbum de fotos para imágenes que harán la boca agua de las 20 recetas, incluyendo enlaces a las dos traducciones (inglés y español) en A continuación, visita nuestro Mercado para pedir copias para distribuir o descargar el PDF para compartir con sus vecinos de habla española y amigos.

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